Teller Blue Hydrangea flower

Pruning Hydrangeas

Pruning Hydrangeas Pruning Hydrangeas seems to be one of the great mysteries in the gardening world. Do I prune them in the winter?  Should they be pruned after they bloom? Do they even need to be pruned? The list goes on and on. You may be surprised to know that the answer to those questions is “Yes”. Well almost. It…

Snowdrops blooming

Snow on the Snowdrops

Snow on the Snowdrops Here we are in the early days of March. Snowdrops are beginning to show their blooms. February ended by dumping over 6 inches of snow on the Snowdrops. Our super weather predicter Phil, down in Punxsutawney, proclaimed that we were going to have an early spring this year. Just when it seems like…