Dark Knight Bluebeard

Dark Knight Bluebeard

Dark Knight Bluebeard. No, I’m not talking about some swashbuckler from years ago. No buried treasures with it either. Arr matey, we’re talking about a plant. This is brushy fragrant shrub that waits until the end of summer and early fall to bloom. This is not the time of year for great flowering shrubs. Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Dark Knight’…

Common bird in the nursery, Robin

Birds in the Nursery

Why are there birds the nursery?? Why are there birds in the nursery? Plants draw in bugs, bad ones as well as good ones. Bugs draw in birds.  Since there are many, many plants and trees in our yard, the birds often make their nests here as well. Nesting close to the food supply, pretty smart if you…