Japanese Kerria

Japanese Kerria

Japanese Kerria Japanese Kerria is an early Spring bloomer of round yellow flowers. It is also known in some circles as Japanese Rose. The flowers are about an inch or so in diameter. The variety that I grow and sell here is Kerria japonica ‘Pleniflora’. If you are even slightly used to these botanical names,…

Fiesta Forsythia

Fiesta Forsythia

Fiesta Forsythia Fiesta Forsythia is just one member of the Forsythia family. Forsythias are called Harbingers of Spring since they are such early bloomers. They get covered with yellow flowers before they even think about putting out leaves. After the long, cold months of winter, those of us in the northern snowy states anxiously await…

Southern Belle Coneflower

Patented Plants

Patented Plants Patented plants? Can plants actually be patented? I’ve never heard of such a thing. How can they patent a plant? These are just a few of the most common responses from customers when told that a particular plant is patented. How can something from nature have a patent? What’s a patent? A patent…

Lavender Twist Redbud buried with snow

How Cold is Too Cold??

How Cold is Too Cold?? How cold is too cold is something we get asked ocassionally. Will this plant survive our really cold winter? Is this plant hardy for our area? If you are some of the fortunate ones that live in areas of the country where the temperature rarely dips below freezing, you may…

Sign top

Opening Day 2025

Opening Day 2025 Opening Day for 2025 is tentatively penciled in for Saturday, April 26th. Easter Sunday is April 20th this year. We are planning on a full weekend for opening so doing it the weekend after Easter. This is all dependent on our wonderful weather in this area. If we actually get an early…

All seasons plant bench

All Seasons Plant Bench

All Seasons Plant Bench This bench was designed to be my all seasons plant bench for nursery use. Spring, Summer, Fall, and yes our cold nasty Winters of Zone 5b-6a. I don’t have the area needed to lay out all my plants in nice open rows with space in between. I need to make the…

Wintersowing milk jugs

How I Wintersow

How I Wintersow Wanna know how I wintersow? Well my techniques are about as close to naturally growing plants as it gets. No warm greenhouse, no artificial lights, just seeds, soil, and the elements of nature. People from all growing zones or regions can do wintersowing with good results. What I will show is how…

Bushes buried in snow

Snow Damage to Plants

Snow Damage to Plants Snow damage to plants during a bad snow storm can seem to be devastating at first sight. Sometimes it actually is. The hope is that the plants will rebound and be all right. We had a huge snow event in this area in the days following Thanksgiving. We got over 4…

Curly Fries Hosta

Curly Fries Hosta

Curly Fries Hosta Curly Fries Hosta sounds like something you’d order as a side with your next burger. I don’t know how they’d be as a side dish but they are definitely one for the garden. You can see where the fries part comes from in the name, and the curly part is very obvious….

Pineapple Upsidedown Cake Hosta

Pineapple Upsidedown Cake Hosta

Pineapple Upsidedown Cake Hosta One of my bestest favorites. Pineapple Upsidedown Cake Hosta. It has one of the longest names. It sorta got its name from its parent plant. Pineapple Poll was where it came from. In the Hosta world, as well as many other forms in the plant world, sports can occur. A sport…