Snowdrops blooming

Snow on the Snowdrops

Snow on the Snowdrops Here we are in the early days of March. Snowdrops are beginning to show their blooms. February ended by dumping over 6 inches of snow on the Snowdrops. Our super weather predicter Phil, down in Punxsutawney, proclaimed that we were going to have an early spring this year. Just when it seems like…

Golden Oriental Arborvitae

Golden Oriental Arborvitae

Golden Oriental Arborvitae Golden Oriental Arborvitae (Thuja orientalis ‘Aurea Nana’) is one of my favorite evergreens growing in my yard. It is definitely the best looking Arborvitae. And yes, I have more than one Arborvitae growing in my yard. Most people probably think of evergreens as Pines, Spruces, Firs, Hemlocks, and any other tree used as a…

Pruning Apple Trees

How to Prune Apple Trees

How to Prune Apple Trees If you have ever wondered how to prune apple trees, you are not alone. I’m not talking about an apple orchard here. Just the average apple tree owning homeowner. I have 2 apple trees in my yard. A Cortland and a McIntosh, my favorite varieties. Hopefully, you already know that you need at least…

Cute Bunny

Rabbit Proof Your Plants

Rabbit Proof Your Plants I want to show you how to rabbit proof your plants. Those cute little bunnies that draw all the oohs and ahhs from women and little children. Those nasty buck-toothed plant-chewing varmints! I will admit that watching rabbits frolicking around in the yard on a nice summer evening is enjoyable. There…

Milk jug full of plants

Drink Milk? Make Plants!

Drink Milk? Make Plants! Drink milk? Make plants! Did you know that if you drink milk, you can make your own plants? Well more specifically, if you have empty milk jugs you can start plants from seeds. Oh now you tell me I know, you wish you knew that before you threw out or recycled…

Snowfall on Lavender Twist Redbud

Lack of Snow- Good or Bad

Lack of Snow- Good or Bad A lack of snow for us is very unusual. Normally our area can get 60 to 80 inches, or more, of snow during the winter. Now hold on a second. For those that are thinking of how deep that is, it isn’t here all at once. It comes and…

Nursery covered for winter

Halfway Through Winter

Halfway Through Winter It’s the middle of January and we’re halfway through Winter. Well as far as not seeing very many plants anyways. It’s been almost 2 months since we covered up and it will be another 2 months, or so until we uncover them again. It has been very snow-free so far this year….

White Dogwood blooms

Growing Dogwood Seeds

Growing Dogwood Seeds Growing Dogwood seeds is actually quite simple. White Dogwood trees are actually native understory trees. They are smaller trees that can sometimes be found growing at the edges of the woods. After their showcase of large white flowers in the early Spring, the trees become somewhat normal looking. Along comes fall weather…