Lack of Snow- Good or Bad
Lack of Snow- Good or Bad
A lack of snow for us is very unusual. Normally our area can get 60 to 80 inches, or more, of snow during the winter. Now hold on a second. For those that are thinking of how deep that is, it isn’t here all at once. It comes and goes, usually.
I live in what is known locally and regionally as the “Snowbelt.” It is just south of Lake Erie. It is where the elevation starts rising above the lake basin area.
No weather geek here
I am not a weatherman, nor do I play one on TV. Basically, when cold winter air blows across the warmer water of Lake Erie, it makes snow. If the wind blows the right direction and hits the higher elevation, it snows, and snows hard sometimes.
I am located near the beginning of the snow belt and it gets worse as you go east from here. All this is really bad as long as the lake isn’t frozen over. Yes, the lake does freeze over.
Next to nothing
Last winter, and so far this winter, we have had very little snowfall. Last year, maybe a total of 2 feet of snow fell here all winter. It came in several small amounts that melted quickly.
There wasn’t lots of precipitation at all really. It wasn’t extremely cold here but it was cold enough. It did get down to near zero degrees F once.
Without the protective snow cover, there was actually quite a bit of winter damage to several plants. A layer of insulating snow protects them from harsh winds and temperatures. The melting snow helps keep them hydrated.
A lack of both is what caused the problems. Some things recovered but some others are no longer with us. Some were new plantings but some were not.
Back to back
This winter is kind of following last year’s trend. We have only had about a foot of snow so far and none of that came in more than 3 inches at a time. We have had warm and rainy weather, even near record highs.
2 winters back to back without normal snowfall may be too much for some plants. I’m afraid some of those that recovered after last year may be too weak to make it through a second year unprotected. These plants are all rated for this cold hardiness zone and should do fine.
One of the things I dread most in my life is driving in winter weather. Heavy snow, driving winds, cold temperatures, and poor visibility are things I can do without while behind the wheel. But as a nursery owner who has lots of plants outside in my yard, I do need some winter weather.