Opening Day 2025
Opening Day 2025
Opening Day for 2025 is tentatively penciled in for Saturday, April 26th. Easter Sunday is April 20th this year. We are planning on a full weekend for opening so doing it the weekend after Easter.
This is all dependent on our wonderful weather in this area. If we actually get an early end to winter, yeah right, we could move it earlier in the month. The nursery Facebook page will have the latest opening info.
Hiding somewhere
Our plants are currently hiding under benches covered with white plastic and several inches of snow. They will stay covered until mid to late March. They will need cleaned up a bit and put on top of the benches.
This is a time consuming chore that usually gets interupted a few times by rain or even snow. You wouldn’t believe how ugly things can get over winter. Leaves, branches, pine cones, and a few very hardy weeds.
Time is limited
We usually run out of time and still have some ugly plants on Opening Day. There may be some debris laying around as well. These are all our lovely plants but they really don’t look beautiful then.
Imagination and some decent pictures help. Usually the biggest advantage for selling lots of these plants early is the fact that so many people are so anxious to get playing in the dirt. Winter is just so, so long.
Itching to grow
As anxious as we all are to get in the dirt, most of the plants are itching to get growing. After a long winter’s nap, they can’t wait to start putting out new growth. Not everything wakes up at the same time.
Seeing green is such a nice feeling. It just makes you want to forget about all that snow and cold we’ve had to put up with in the last several months. Green means go, right?
Uh oh, cold
Plants that start growing early isn’t always a good thing. As much as we enjoy all that pretty green new growth, we have to pay attention to the forecast. Those tiny, tender new leaves can be damaged or even killed by cold temperatures.
Sometimes the forecast doesn’t cooperate very well. Once the plants are uncovered and sitting on the benches, they may need tucked in with protective sheets to keep them warm on a cold night.
What a sight
On those cold nights, the nursery takes on a colorful look. The sheets we use are all old sheets with all kinds of colors and characters. We don’t worry about the look, just the coverage. It makes for quite a sight to behold.
Fruit trees before Opening Day
We will be selling fruit trees again this spring. They will be getting bagged up in the early days of April unless winter’s cold is still ruling. The plan is selling them a week or so before Opening Day.
There will be ads on Facebook ahead of time to allow for appointment scheduling. Fruit trees will be sold by appointment only. There will be no early sales or reservations.
There is no limit on what trees or how many can be bought per appointment. The appointment is only for giving you a time to shop for them. There are usually no more than 3 or 4 customers here at a time.