Sedum, also called Stonecrop
Sedum, often referred to as Stonecrop, come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and styles. Some are very little in height and yet they will spread out making great groundcovers. Others grow tall with large flower clusters that come to life in the fall when many other plants are done for the year. And then there are those that are in between.
They are succulents. That is, they can survive with less water than most plants. They have thicker leaves and stems which take up water and store it. This allows them to be planted in areas that other plants can’t be used.
Rock gardens and more arid locations like along sidewalks, driveways and parking lots. These plants are tough and resilient also. Not that they should be used in a heavy traffic area, but they can bounce back from an occasional trauma like a wayward ball or step or two.
They grow quickly with new stems and it is best if the taller varieties are pinched early in the season to help prevent them from getting too tall and leggy later when they are blooming.
Great groundcover Sedum
The varieties of Sedum that make good groundcovers are usually evergreen. They may lose some of their brilliant colorings during the cold months, but they snap right back in spring.
The ones that are in the medium size range will often stay evergreen if they get protection during the cold months. A layer of mulch or snow will usually give them enough protection.
Tall Sedum for winter interest
The flower heads that turned to seed can be left on for winter interest as well as for the seeds. The foliage will die back for winter. The plants will grow new stems from the crown of roots.
Some of the Sedum we may have available here are:

Sedum repestre ‘Angelina’
4 to 6 inches high and 12 to 24 inches wide
Full sun
Dense chartreuse green foliage makes an excellent groundcover. Bright yellow flowers rise up in mid-summer.
Dragon’s Blood

Dragon’s Blood
Sedum spurium ‘Dragon’s Blood’
4 to 6 inches high and 12 to 24 inches wide
Full sun/part shade
Vining groundcover with round green leaves. Bright flowers and leaves in the spring and reddish foliage in fall.
Autumn Joy

Autumn Joy
Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’
18 to 24 inches high and 18 to 24 inches wide
Full Sun
Tall leafy sedum that is crowned with clusters of tiny pink flowers in late summer, then browns for winter. Brown seedheads can be left for winter interest.
John Creech

John Creech
Sedum spurium ‘John Creech’
2 to 4 inches high and 4 to 12 inches wide
Full Sun
Leafy sedum that is crowned with clusters of tiny dark pink flowers in late summer. This is a groundcover sedum, rooting as it grows.
Munstead Red

Munstead Red
Sedum telephium ‘Munstead Red’
18 to 24 inches high and 18 to 24 inches wide
Full Sun
Tall sedum that is crowned with clusters of tiny dark pink flowers in late summer. Leaves are edged with purplish red. Brown seedheads can be left for winter interest.